HACCP Training

HACCP Training – Trainer Led
Accredited HACCP Training (FBPFSY2002 Apply Food Safety Procedures and FBPFSY3002 Participate in a HACCP Team) designed to meet HACCP CODEX 2020, HARPS (4.1) and SQF HACCP training requirements offered in person, in business, via our virtual classroom or through a hybrid model.
HACCP Training – Trainer Led
- Nationally recognised units of competency (FBPFSY2002 Apply Food Safety Procedures and FBPFSY3002 Participate in a HACCP Team)
- Designed to meet HARPS Version 2 Element 4.1
- A combination of group and individual work
- Designed for management and support staff
- Meets retailer standards training requirements
- Certified trainers with qualifications and extensive and current experience in the horticulture industry
- Available in trainer-led in classroom, in business and via our virtual classroom
HACCP Training – Self-Paced Online
Accredited HACCP Training (FBPAUD4004 Identify, evaluate and control food safety hazards) designed to meet CODEX 2020 and SQF HACCP training requirements offered fully online for self-paced training.
HACCP Training – Self-Paced Online
- Nationally recognised units of competency (FBPAUD4004 Identify, evaluate and control food safety hazards)
- Designed for management and support staff
- Meets HACCP and GFSI standard training requirements
- Certified trainers with qualifications and extensive and current experience in the horticulture industry
- Available fully online for self-paced training
HACCP Refresher Training
HACCP Refresher Training designed to meet HACCP CODEX 2020 and HARPS (4.2) offered trainer-led in person, in business, online self-paced and trainer-led via our virtual classroom.
HACCP Refresher Training
- Designed to meet HARPS Version 2 Element 4.1
- A combination of group and individual work
- Designed for management and support staff
- Meets retailer standards training requirements
- Certified trainers with qualifications and extensive and current experience in the horticulture industry
- Available in classroom, in business, online self-paced and trainer-led via our virtual classroom
HACCP Introduction Training
An introduction to HACCP designed for new staff and staff in other operational areas than QA in a business offered online self-paced.
HACCP Introduction Training
- An overview of the HACCP Principles and Applications for employees
- Designed for all employees
- Certified trainers with qualifications and extensive and current experience in the horticulture industry
- Available in classroom, in business, online self-paced and trainer-led via our virtual classroom